Assisted Living

Assisted Living / Homes of Multiple Occupancy

Few places demand a peaceful and calm environment quite as much as assisted living properties and HMO’s. That’s why, when we take on your project, you can be assured of maximum empathy and minimum disruption.

From large-scale refurbishments to property maintenance, we’re here to help. We have the experience to deliver the smoothest of journeys not just for clients, but for residents and caregivers.

With our knowledge of the assisted living properties and the HMO industry means that we can always find a solution and work effectively at speed to ensure rooms are back up and running as soon as possible.

It’s so important to keep residents relaxed and stress-free. Any upheaval could be unsettling and distressing. Along with limiting building noise and general turmoil, we pay special attention to infection control and access issues. That’s where our strategic planning pays dividends, with the entire project designed meticulously so the whole undertaking is as seamless and invisible as possible.

And, of course, we work closely with the various stakeholders every step of the way. By having regular catch-ups and a healthy relationship, any little hiccups are flagged and addressed before they can become big problems. That’s just one of the reasons why we can consistently deliver each of our projects on time and on budget.


Rock-Tuff Building & Construction Ltd

11 Forbes Drive


NN18 8SR. 

Mobile no. 07786942209